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The aim of this study was to examine the preschool curriculum in terms of the STEM approach. Qualitative method was adopted in the study. Document analysis was performed. In the data analysis, inductive content analysis technique was used. Seven themes related to the STEM approach were revealed in the preschool curriculum. These themes included turning theoretical knowledge into practice/product, problem solving, development of skills, teaching of skills, the use of technology, integration and other statements related to the approach, respectively. The findings showed that the preschool curriculum was adequate in terms of turning theoretical knowledge into practice, development and teaching of skills and problem solving with regard to the STEM approach, while being limited in integration, using technology, and including construction games. The issue that was emphasised the most in the curriculum was skills. No content regarding how children can properly use technology was encountered. As a result, there should be more emphasis on addressing the outcomes with an interdisciplinary approach, and the curriculum should be improved for the use of technology. The curriculum content should be re-structured to attach the same degree of importance to all themes mentioned in this study to make it compatible with the STEM approach.
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