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Gulce Kalayci
Huseyin Oz


Parental involvement is one of the most significant factors influencing students’ educational development. The present study explores Turkish parents’ perceptions of involvement in their children’s learning English in relation to their demographic characteristics. The participants of the present research include the parents of the students studying at the 1st to 4th grades of a private primary school in Ankara. This research was designed as a sequential explanatory study in which a 29-item survey was used along with a semi-structured interview. Findings suggest that parents have a positive attitude towards parental involvement and they are generally aware of the academic and psychological aspects of education. Therefore, they have a good relation with the teachers and they get involved in their children’s English language education directly and indirectly. Findings also revealed that demographic characteristics such as gender, age, occupation or level of education, generally, make no significant difference on parents’ perceptions about parental involvement.

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Author Biographies

Gulce Kalayci, Ufuk University

Huseyin Oz, Hacettepe University


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