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Aydin Balyer
Omer Oz


It is seen that changing information and communication technologies affect and even transform things in almost every area of the digital age that we have in conjunction with Industry 4.0 and globalization. These rapid changes and transformations in the world affect education both as a structure and as learning environments. One of these values has been the digital transformation. As the increasing use of technology in every day and learning environments, now most of the students are born to a digital world. In this context, this study was designed with a phenomenological research design as the qualitative approach in order to determine academics' views on digital transformation in education in terms of program and management processes. The working group consists of 20 faculty members working at 9 different universities in the Department of Educational Sciences. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. Results reveal that in the digital transformation process, managers must first create a vision to generate and managed accordingly for an effective learning environment. According to another result, it is possible that school shareholders are involved in this transformation process by letting them access the place and time by supporting content and infrastructure which is technologically appropriate. It is recommended that educational administrators and program specialists be ready for this transformation and have the qualities to manage this transformation.


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