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Eda Abbasioğlu Akkaya
Mithat Korumaz
Erkan Tabancalı


This study aims to reveal the sense of brain drain for overseas-trained scholars settled abroad and the pushing-pulling factors in this decision. The research was conveyed in the phenomenological design and interviews with 10 scholars from the U.S., the U.K, Canada and Germany were conducted via snowball sampling. One-to-one online semi-structured interviews taking an average of 40-50 minutes were made. The data was analyzed employing content analysis and four themes were reached as journey to opportunities, coefficient repellents and incentives, an effort not to lose what is achieved and suggestions to policy makers. The participants defined brain drain as a long journey that led to opportunities, and social reasons as well as academic reasons were dominant in this migration.

Keywords: Brain drain, YLSY, migration, phenomenology, pushing and pulling factors

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Author Biographies

Eda Abbasioğlu Akkaya, a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:49:"Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Education";}

Eda Abbasioğlu Akkaya is a PhD student at the Department of Educational Sciences in the Faculty of Education at Yildiz Technical University. At the same time she works as a lecturer at The School of Foreign Languages, Modern Languages Department at the same university.  

Mithat Korumaz, Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Education

Mithat Korumaz is an assistant professor at the Department of Educational Sciences in the Faculty of Education at Yildiz Technical University.

Erkan Tabancalı, Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Education

Erkan Tabancalı is an associate professor at the Department of Educational Sciences in the Faculty of Education at Yildiz Technical University.