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Beste Dinçer
Ruskat Merve Aksoy


The aim of this study was to examine the views of postgraduate studying in the field of Education Programs and Instruction on values education integrated in the 2017-2018 curriculum. This study which was carried out in qualitative research design was a case study. Participants were selected on a voluntary basis, through purposeful and maximum variation sampling, from among students who have completed their graduate education in the Department of Educational Sciences of a state university located in the Aegean region and had taken the values education course. The interviews were conducted face-to-face and online during the 2019-2020 academic years. The qualitative data were analyzed by descriptive and content analysis. Emphasizing the importance for the individual and society, postgraduate students emphasized the importance of conducting education in a healthy way, in a suitable climate, and with a curriculum programmed according to the needs and stated that it was a social responsibility that should be emphasized by all stakeholders as well as academic success for the welfare of the society. As for effective value education programs, the participants focused their suggestions on program development and stakeholders’ attendance in school settings.

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