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This study includes the quantitative findings of the researcher's mixed method doctoral dissertation titled “Examining the motivation and job satisfaction of classroom teachers within the framework of self-determination and dual factor theories”. In the study, it was aimed to examine the relationship between teachers' motivation and job satisfaction. The research was carried out with 414 teachers working in selected schools from all districts of Erzurum province. Data were collected with the Multidimensional work motivation scale and the Minnesota job satisfaction scale in 2019-2020 educational year. Descriptive statistical techniques, Pearson correlation analysis and Multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. As a result of the research, it was determined that the intrinsic motivation of teachers was higher than their extrinsic motivation, and their intrinsic satisfaction was higher than their extrinsic satisfaction. It has been revealed that there are relationships between teachers' motivation and job satisfaction dimensions. In addition, it was determined that personal regulation and intrinsic motivation dimensions predicted job satisfaction.
Keywords: motivation, job satisfaction, correlation, multiple regression
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