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The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is used in Turkey by teachers, administrators and researchers to support English language teaching and learning. This paper discusses the knowledge and use of the CEFR by a group of teachers. Eight teachers were interviewed about the CEFR and carried out an assessment task. Findings show that the teachers knew of the CEFR, had a positive view of its contribution to English Language teaching in Turkey, used CEFR-related practices such as self-assessment in class and could use CEFR tables to successfully assess sample performances. On the other hand, findings also show that the teachers had received little or no training about the CEFR, they had difficulty in applying the CEFR to their classroom assessment practices and they showed that they have only a vague idea of the CEFR proficiency levels for assessment. After reading CEFR tables they say that the language used in the CEFR is generally suitable for teachers to use, but they feel that the level of the language used in the English version of the tables is too high for their learners to benefit from.
Keywords: CEFR, school teachers, knowledge, experience
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