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Pınar Aksoy
Frank M. Gresham



From the point of view that every child is unique and valuable, the need for developing their skills and abilities, and their need for learning and development, in the context of their learning styles/developmental characteristics, must be supported. Because of social-emotional learning skills are comprehensive and very important skills, teaching of these skills requires specific methods and strategies. Social-emotional learning intervention programs can be developed on the basis of various theories. The aim of this review is to evaluate the theoretical bases of social-emotional learning intervention programs for preschool children. The available five social-emotional learning intervention programs used for preschool age children are explained by basic theories. These programs are; “You Can Do It! Education”, “The Tools of the Mind”, “Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms”, “INSIGHTS” and “Social Skills in Pictures, Stories, and Songs”. Results of the current review showed that “You Can Do It! Education” stands on cognitive-behavioral theory, while “The Tools of the Mind” is based on cultural-historical theory as well as “Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms” stands on brain-theory. Meanwhile, “INSIGHTS” is based on temperament theory, and “Social Skills in Pictures, Stories, and Songs” is based on multisensory theory. It was underlined that these intervention programs are highly important for developing social-emotional learning in preschool children. It should be considered whether the theories of these intervention programs are usable for the target skills. Effects of social-emotional learning intervention programs based on different theories can be comparatively examined in future studies.

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