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Oğuzhan Atabek
Günseli Orhon
Sabahat Burak


In addition to the undergraduate programs provided by faculties of education, in Turkey, Pedagogical Formation Education Certificate Programs are also provided by these faculties. Graduates of such programs are positioned as teachers in Turkey, the same as the graduates of faculties of education. Individual differences of teachers are of great importance in terms of closeness and determination toward students. In addition to personality, psychological features are also closely related to their professional competence and success, quality of education in general, and –maybe more importantly- the safety of the students. In this study, it was aimed to provide insight about the individual differences of students who attend pedagogical formation training by investigating the psychological status of those students through the analysis of the relationship between depression, anxiety, stress, coping by humor levels, humor types and their type of personality. It was observed that 40.2% of participants were in mild depression while 25.9% of them were in moderate to severe levels. Associations were investigated by point bi-serial correlation technique and it was found that those participants with Type A personality had higher levels of depression, stress, anxiety, and self-defeating humor style.  

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Author Biographies

Oğuzhan Atabek, Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology Akdeniz University Antalya, Turkey

Oğuzhan Atabek, PhD

Research Assistant

Department of Computer Education & Instructional Technology

Akdeniz University

Antalya, Turkey

Günseli Orhon, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Akdeniz University Antalya, Turkey

Günseli Orhon, PhD

Chair Professor

Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Akdeniz University
Antalya, Turkey


Sabahat Burak, Department of Primary Education Akdeniz University Antalya, Turkey

Sabahat Burak, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Primary Education
Akdeniz University
Antalya, Turkey