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Tosriadi Tosriadi
Abdul Asib
Sri Marmanto
Umu Arifatul Azizah


In-service teachers are required to understand how to be professionals since they have responsibility to provide a quality education. One of the strategies to develop professionally is by conducting reflective practice or reflection. Reflection-in-action, one type of reflection, can be used by teachers to reflect on the pedagogical content knowledge while on the job. This research was aimed at exploring teachers’ practices reflective practice. More specifically, it focused on identifying the aspects of pedagogical content knowledge, known as PCK,  as reflected by English teachers during teaching and learning process. To investigate the issue, there were two two in-service English teachers from one of state owned school in Indonesia involved as the respondents of the study. The data in this qualitative case stusy were acquired through observation, documentation, and interview. It was found that reflecting on pedagogical content knowledge had a valuable contribution to in-service English teachers’development. It led them to the awareness of their strengths and weaknesses in handling and guiding their students. Instead, it also helped them be more  well-prepared for the next teaching.

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