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Atakan Ata
Kadir Kozan


This study investigated the factor structure of the intern keys teacher candidate assessment instrument used to assess micro-teaching performance of teacher candidates. In other words, the purpose of the current study was to explore the construct validity of the assessment tool which is considered to consist of one overarching construct: teaching effectiveness. To this end, an exploratory factor analysis in addition to a parallel analysis were employed using the ratings of 116 faculty members at various U.S. universities who supervised the teacher candidates’ performance in their final semester. The results indicated a one-factor structure and high reliability indices. All these findings align with theoretical assumptions and call for further factor analytic studies on the instrument using different samples.

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Author Biographies

Atakan Ata, Bahcesehir University

Atakan Ata, PhD-University of Georgia (Athens, GA), is an assistant professor at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul. Dr. Ata currently teaches education law, educational sciences, and social research methods. His research is focused on promoting student civic engagement, and teachers’ professional development.

Kadir Kozan, Bilgi University

Kadir Kozan, PhD-Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN), is an assistant professor at Bilgi University. His main research interest is pedagogy-rich technology-enabled learning environments. He also has an M.A. and a B.A. degree in English Language Education.


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