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Yeşim Şenol
Mualla Bilgin Aksu


To test the effectiveness of clinical supervision as an assessment method in the practices of faculty members attending PBL courses, to determine the effectiveness of the courses and to discuss its conformity for faculties of medicine. Clinical supervision and peer consultation methods were used to evaluate the performance of the 34 faculty members who took charge in Problem Based Learning modules. The students, the faculty members themselves, the clinical supervisor and the peer consultants participated in the evaluation. The satisfactory and underdeveloped skills of the faculty members, which they need throughout the implementation steps of PBL, were determined. Overall, the faculty members included in the study were found to be successful. As for the quantitative results, they indicate the faculty members’ opinion that the method may ensure standardization and improve the quality of the education. However, there are also some faculty members who are dissatisfied with the method and think that it is time-consuming. The obtained data suggest that peer consultation and clinical supervision can be applied in medical schools and may help faculty members develop their professional skills.

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Author Biography

Yeşim Şenol, Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine Medical Education Department

medical education



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