Novice Teacher Self-Efficacy Belief: A Study Of Scale Development
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The aim of this study is to develop a scale on Novice Teacher Self-efficacy Belief (NTSB). In the development of NTSB scale, three steps, namely Study1, Study2 and Study3 were followed. Three dimensions and eighteen items were obtained as a result of the validity and reliability analyses of NTSB in Study1. In this study, it was confirmed that the dimensions of NTSB were strong in terms of internal consistency, but limited in terms of the explanatory power of the structure. In Study2, validity and reliability analyses of the scale obtained from Study1 were repeated, and a scale with ten items and two dimensions was obtained. Study3 was conducted by combining the data gathered in Study1 and Study2.
Key words: self-efficacy, novice teacher, teacher self-efficacy, scale development, reliability, validity
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