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Research on growth mindset shows a positive trend in the recent years. The importance of the growth mindset for students is growing to be a center in education, but the valid scale to assess the variable in Indonesia is still limited. The study aims to measure the validity and reliability of the adaptation mindset scale in the Indonesian context. The scale was developed by Carol Dweck in 2008. The study recruited 554 students from universities consisting of students in diploma, bachelor, master, and doctoral programs in Indonesia. The research used the Rasch model to test the validity and reliability of the mindset scale instrument considering the five Fisher’s criteria. The results indicated good results based on the internal consistency of the instrument with a reliability value of 0.99 and Cronbach's alpha value of 0.88. The construction validation of the scale still did not meet the fair criteria on the Fisher standard (Fisher, 2007), but the number was found acceptable according to some studies. Meanwhile, the results of the misfit test showed that each item had met the standard of a good instrument in which the MNSQ value was between 0.71-1.4 in the good category. The recommendation for further study was discussed.
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