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This study aimed to examine the studies investigating the relationship between affective factors and reading success through systematic review. The studies were reviewed based on the study type, study design, sample size, sample type, data collection tool, data analysis method, and study purpose. More than 80% of the studies related to reading motivation, reading attitude, and reading self-efficacy; 85% had a quantitative study design, and the number of studies conducted with large groups for examining reading self-efficacy was limited. However, there were studies with different sample groups aiming to assess reading motivation and reading attitude. The number of studies with a sample consisting of high school students among the three variables was also limited; in more than 80% of the studies, Scales, tests, and questionnaires were used as the data collection tool, while correlation and t-tests were used in 50% as the data analysis method. When the studies were examined by their objectives 60% of the studies aimed to determine the relationship between the variables and the impact of various applications on the variables. The relationship between motivation, attitudes, self-efficacy, and reading success was examined through a meta-analysis.
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