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Seçil Horasan Doğan
Paşa Tevfik Cephe


Reflective practices in teacher education programs can play a critical role in enhancing the teaching quality. However, since student teachers’ self-evaluations are not adequate on their own, they need to receive as much feedback as possible from other sources. In this study, a multi-perspective evaluation was provided to contribute to the teaching skills of student teachers. To this end, 15 ELT student teachers took part in an extra-curricular project to teach 1 lesson in a language classroom. Each lesson was recorded and evaluated first by themselves, then by the language learners in this classroom, and finally by 3 trainers based on the recordings using Teacher Evaluation Form. In addition, discussion sessions with each student teacher were held to share the comparative evaluation and gather contributions. The results of the quantitative and qualitative data analysis revealed that student teachers’ self-evaluations were significantly different, yet they were lower unlike what was hypothesized. In addition, this reflective process contributed to their reflective skills, teaching skills, and self-awareness for their professional development.

Keywords: teaching skills, reflection, self-evaluation, video-based evaluation, a multi-perspective observation.

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