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William Swann
M. Kathleen Cripe


This study examines the development and implementation of a distance education course review process at a mid-sized public university. Four primary goals were set for the process:  to provide substantive feedback, to cultivate engagement between DE faculty and staff, to provide support to course developers and reviewers, and to establish an effective balance between faculty resources and the value of feedback generated through the process. Feedback was collected through a survey of participating developers and reviewers (n=52). Responses broadly supported achievement of the four primary goals. Those who participated in multiple roles gave stronger ratings on all survey questions than those who participated through a single role. Based on qualitative and quantitative feedback, strengths, weaknesses, and possible adjustments to the process are discussed.

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Author Biographies

William Swann, Youngstown State University

William Swann has worked in the fields of e-learning and distance education for two decades. He has developed courses and managed development projects in the corporate environment and provided instructional design assistance in the academic environment. He is the author of studies on applied pedagogy and courseware design.

M. Kathleen Cripe, Youngstown State University

Dr. Kathleen Cripe is Associate Professor of Teacher Education in the Beeghly College of Education at Youngstown State University, where she coordinates the Adolescent Young Adult Education program. She is the author of multiple studies on science and math education and received the 2017 Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching.


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