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Esim Gürsoy
Ozan Karakaş


Singing has been suggested to have a positive influence on the speech fluency of people with various neurological disorders, such as stuttering, aphasia, and autism. Again, research demonstrates the benefits of singing as a teaching method, through which many aspects of language can be taught or improved, such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation. However, there are not any studies as to the effects of singing on the speech fluency of people with no neurological speech disorders. Thus the study aims at investigating any possible influences of singing on the speech fluency of Turkish EFL teenagers. The study was carried out with 10 high-school students (control n=6, experimental n=4) studying at a private school in Turkey. The quantitative data was collected via a questionnaire that aimed to identify the demographic features of the participants. To identify the utterance fluency, audio recordings of the participants’ speech production were collected. The speech samples were produced subsequent to watching short film clips after the participants in the study group were given two songs each week for 5 weeks. The results of the study demonstrate that none of the three measures of fluency showed any significant differences between or within the groups, suggesting that singing does not necessarily have positive influences on speech fluency. 

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Author Biographies

Esim Gürsoy, Uludağ University

Esim Gürsoy is currently an associate professor at the ELT Department of Uludağ University, Turkey. She holds an M.A. in teacher education from Ohio University, USA and a Ph.D in English Language Teaching from Anadolu, University, Turkey. She has many published research articles in international journals. She has authored and edited books and also is the author of several book chapters. Her research interests include, teaching English to young learners, pre-service teacher education, teaching practice, and integrating socially responsible teaching to ELT. 

Ozan Karakaş, Uludağ University

Ozan Karakaş is currently an MA student at the ELT Department of Uludağ University. He is the translator of several books. His research interests include cognitive and neural processes of speaking and reading skills, pronunciation instruction, and second language acquisition.


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